Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tuesday...last day of camp

Today I decided that I would teach Starnuto to bark.  I haven't been barking much and realized he might want to know how to bark. I would simply bark at him so he would learn the sound.  He is stubborn so he never learned to bark.  He continues to meow.   I thought maybe if I taught him to bark, he'd teach me that secret flying trick.  Once again...no luck. Today's picture is when I invited Starnuto over to my place in the hopes of learning that secret flying trick.  I even gave him the comfortable seat.  Still no luck...he won't budge. 

On my walk in the park I met Midas and Mia.  They belong to Aunt JanJan's friend Cathy.  They were my size.  When Aunt JanJan went to workout I got to stay outside in the backyard with Starnuto.  We both took a nap while she was gone.  Aunt JanJan went to work and when she came home we got to go over to Libby's house to see her new patio.  I was a very good girl and played with Libby a little bit.

It was arts and crafts day at camp.  I made something for Caleb.  I miss Caleb but Aunt JanJan told me that tomorrow morning I will get to see him.  I want to go to sleep now so it will be tomorrow. 

Aunt JanJan went to Aqua Zumba tonight.  That sounds fun but she said dogs don't go because the water is too deep.

This is my last blog from Summer Camp 2012.   Aunt JanJan says she hopes I come back again because she enjoyed me being a camper here for the last week.  

Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday...Game day!

Today we got to play games.  Starnuto didn't like the games but my favorite was hide and seek.  See if you can find me in the picture.  I found a really good place to hide.   Last night,  I was very sad.  I just moped around.  It's probably because I miss my family.  I was still mopey this morning until after my morning nap.  I'm all better now.  Tomorrow is my last full day at summer camp.  I hope I get to go on a field trip tomorrow.  That's my favorite activity! 

When we went to the big park at the end of the street, I met four more dogs that live on Parkwood Lane.  They are Great Pyrenees.  Three were all white and one was black and white...just like me...only much much bigger.   What is it with all the people on this street having black and/or white animals?  Starnuto, Libby, the great pyrenees....the only one that isn't was Remi.   There are two big black dogs next to Remi too.  

Starnuto had to take his medicine this morning.  I watched.  He should just learn to eat a treat with it...it would be much simpler.  Aunt JanJan explained that he can't smell so he doesn't eat treats and he's not sure of anything but cat food.  Once again...why does she explain this stuff to me?  Oh well...she's my Aunt JanJan!!!

I'm going to play for awhile longer and then I'm going to sleep for the night.  Love ya!

Sunday, July 15, 2012


It's already Sunday.  I got to go for a walk in the park with Aunt JanJan.  There are lots and lots of people and dogs out on Sunday mornings.  I also saw lots of bicycles.  Aunt JanJan told me that there were 716 bicycles deaths in the US in 2008.  She's really weird telling me that stuff.  She told me she had looked it up for a course she is teaching.  Whatever. 

I didn't go to church with Aunt JanJan but she told me I was a reflection of God.  She had to explain that if you spell God backwards you get Dog.  That's me.  Once again...she tells me weird stuff sometimes.  Whatever.

We had some storms today so I got a little scared.  Aunt JanJan tried to tell me that Starnuto wasn't scared but I didn't care.  Probably his magical flying powers keep him from getting scared too.  I mostly hung out today.  

I finally got Aunt JanJan to let me up on the desk where Starnuto likes to sleep.  I wanted to look out the window and see our truck.  You can see it outside the window. 

Night night to all!  

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Saturday at Summer Camp

Today has been a really nice leisure day.  Aunt JanJan went to some board meeting in the morning so I took a nap.  I'm glad dogs don't attend board meetings...or was it bored meetings?  When she came home we hung out and watched a movie.  It was on Lifetime.  Aunt JanJan says the movies are usually "women in crisis, men at fault" but today's was "everyone in crisis, woman at fault".  There weren't any dogs in the movie so I mostly napped during the movie.  I did watch the very end and the police came in and shot the bad woman.  Starnuto let me use his nap place.  He napped on the couch.  Aunt JanJan put a blanket on me because she knew I like being under the covers.   I have found all kinds of place to nap here at Camp Aunt JanJan.  She has lots and lots of places where I can hang out.  I usually find a place in the same room as her.  I like to know where she is at all times!!!  Since I spent most of the day sleeping, I'm including pictures of me sleeping in various places.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Fridays are fun!!!

Hello everyone.  Today is Friday.   I am sleeping so good at night here at camp.  I don't move around at all.  I just snooze under the covers and let Starnuto handle the topside.  We went for a walk early this morning down to the park.  I hadn't been to the park yet.  It has a big pond and everything.   Fridays at Camp JanJan are fun fun fun!  She was busy in the morning so I was a big girl and stayed by myself.  She went to workout and then delivered Meals on Wheels...whatever that is!   She promised the afternoon would be fun and it was!!!!  We got to go on another field trip.  First, we went to someplace called Carrollton to drop off something and then we went to Petco.  I got to pick out a new toy.  Aunt JanJan let me sniff and test lots of toys before I picked the one in the pictures.  Jason helped us.  The picture of me playing with my toy is blurry because it is an action shot...I was too busy playing to pose for a picture.  Tonight I hung out with Starnuto and Aunt JanJan.  I offered to let Starnuto play with my new toy but he wasn't interested.  I thought he might tell me about his secret flying powers if I let him play with my new toy.  No luck.  I got to see pictures from Hawaii on Facebook.  It looks really pretty.  Oh...I thought I heard Caleb crying today.  I heard a baby crying and jumped up to go check on it.  Apparently it was a baby on the TV and not Caleb.  I miss Caleb.  Aunt JanJan tells me they'll be back soon.    Goodnight!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thursday at Summer Camp

I was really really really sleepy last night.  When we finally went to bed at 11pm, I crawled under the covers to sleep.  I told Starnuto that he would have to handle everything because I was too tired.  He seemed to think I made a good pillow since I was under the covers because several times he put his head on me.  I didn't care. I was too tired.  When Aunt JanJan woke up at 5:30am, she thought I wasn't alive because I was still asleep at her feet under the covers.   I slept really really good.  I guess all the excitement over the last few days has kept me from sleeping.  "I'm too excited to sleep".   I haven't been napping during the day because I don't want to miss anything.  Today was a busy day for Aunt JanJan.  We went on a walk when she got home from working out since she was already sweaty.  I met Remi who lives next door.  Remi is a bigger dog so I barked at her to let her know not to step on me!  I mainly hung out today but I also chewed on that bone from Sofia.   I'm getting annoyed with that other camper that meows.  He won't teach me how to fly.  I want to know how he does it.  He gets on the desk when Aunt JanJan works on the computer and I can't make it up there.  He should tell me how to do it so we can both be up there.  Aunt JanJan thinks I'm whining but I'm really begging Starnuto to share his secret flying powers.  Hmmmmppphhh...he's not sharing!!!   I did have one very exciting thing happen today.  Aunt JanJan was making her lunch and a piece of meat fell on the floor.  It was just my size so I grabbed it and ate it.  It was yummy.  I was certainly in the right place at the right time to get that little treat.  Here's my picture for today.  When Aunt JanJan got home from work we sat outside and I picked the lounge chair as my place to hang out and keep an eye on everything.   Aunt JanJan is going to something called Bad Habits practice tonight.  I asked her to take me with her but she said I didn't need any bad habits.  Until tomorrow...Annie

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Summer Camp Day Two

I slept really well the first night here at camp.  I slept on the bed with Aunt JanJan and the other camper, Starnuto.  He patrolled the top half of the bed and I was responsible for protecting the foot of the bed from any chaos.  Starnuto woke up for a late night snack so I got up and went to the mess hall (that's what they call the kitchen at camp) for a late night snack.  We both went back to our posts and slept the rest of the night.    We went on a walk when we got up and saw Libby, the poodle I met yesterday.  Aunt JanJan promised a surprise today and it was a field trip!!!  We went in the car to Sonic for an iced tea.  The pictures are me at Sonic.  Crystal wanted to take me home because I was so cute.  Aunt JanJan let me have some of the ice from the tea.  I don't know why she likes it so much but I was happy to go for a car ride.   I spent most of the day hanging out.  I showed Aunt JanJan my "... or dead" trick.  She really likes that.   I get a piece of a treat each time I do the trick for her.  Starnuto doesn't do any tricks.  I guess that meow sound keeps him from learning tricks...or maybe he's just not as smart as me. :-)  He does seem to know how to fly through the air.  He can jump onto the desk using his special flying powers.  Sofia came today to clean the house.  She gave me a bone.  I like her so I hung with her while Aunt JanJan went to lunch.   Claudia & Lisa from St Catherine came over tonight.  They talked and talked and talked.  It's time for bed so night night until tomorrow.