Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tuesday...last day of camp

Today I decided that I would teach Starnuto to bark.  I haven't been barking much and realized he might want to know how to bark. I would simply bark at him so he would learn the sound.  He is stubborn so he never learned to bark.  He continues to meow.   I thought maybe if I taught him to bark, he'd teach me that secret flying trick.  Once again...no luck. Today's picture is when I invited Starnuto over to my place in the hopes of learning that secret flying trick.  I even gave him the comfortable seat.  Still no luck...he won't budge. 

On my walk in the park I met Midas and Mia.  They belong to Aunt JanJan's friend Cathy.  They were my size.  When Aunt JanJan went to workout I got to stay outside in the backyard with Starnuto.  We both took a nap while she was gone.  Aunt JanJan went to work and when she came home we got to go over to Libby's house to see her new patio.  I was a very good girl and played with Libby a little bit.

It was arts and crafts day at camp.  I made something for Caleb.  I miss Caleb but Aunt JanJan told me that tomorrow morning I will get to see him.  I want to go to sleep now so it will be tomorrow. 

Aunt JanJan went to Aqua Zumba tonight.  That sounds fun but she said dogs don't go because the water is too deep.

This is my last blog from Summer Camp 2012.   Aunt JanJan says she hopes I come back again because she enjoyed me being a camper here for the last week.  

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