Saturday, July 14, 2012

Saturday at Summer Camp

Today has been a really nice leisure day.  Aunt JanJan went to some board meeting in the morning so I took a nap.  I'm glad dogs don't attend board meetings...or was it bored meetings?  When she came home we hung out and watched a movie.  It was on Lifetime.  Aunt JanJan says the movies are usually "women in crisis, men at fault" but today's was "everyone in crisis, woman at fault".  There weren't any dogs in the movie so I mostly napped during the movie.  I did watch the very end and the police came in and shot the bad woman.  Starnuto let me use his nap place.  He napped on the couch.  Aunt JanJan put a blanket on me because she knew I like being under the covers.   I have found all kinds of place to nap here at Camp Aunt JanJan.  She has lots and lots of places where I can hang out.  I usually find a place in the same room as her.  I like to know where she is at all times!!!  Since I spent most of the day sleeping, I'm including pictures of me sleeping in various places.

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