Friday, July 13, 2012

Fridays are fun!!!

Hello everyone.  Today is Friday.   I am sleeping so good at night here at camp.  I don't move around at all.  I just snooze under the covers and let Starnuto handle the topside.  We went for a walk early this morning down to the park.  I hadn't been to the park yet.  It has a big pond and everything.   Fridays at Camp JanJan are fun fun fun!  She was busy in the morning so I was a big girl and stayed by myself.  She went to workout and then delivered Meals on Wheels...whatever that is!   She promised the afternoon would be fun and it was!!!!  We got to go on another field trip.  First, we went to someplace called Carrollton to drop off something and then we went to Petco.  I got to pick out a new toy.  Aunt JanJan let me sniff and test lots of toys before I picked the one in the pictures.  Jason helped us.  The picture of me playing with my toy is blurry because it is an action shot...I was too busy playing to pose for a picture.  Tonight I hung out with Starnuto and Aunt JanJan.  I offered to let Starnuto play with my new toy but he wasn't interested.  I thought he might tell me about his secret flying powers if I let him play with my new toy.  No luck.  I got to see pictures from Hawaii on Facebook.  It looks really pretty.  Oh...I thought I heard Caleb crying today.  I heard a baby crying and jumped up to go check on it.  Apparently it was a baby on the TV and not Caleb.  I miss Caleb.  Aunt JanJan tells me they'll be back soon.    Goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, let Annie know that Caleb misses her too. A couple of times Caleb has woken up, started looking around in our bed, and said annie repeatedly.
