Sunday, July 15, 2012


It's already Sunday.  I got to go for a walk in the park with Aunt JanJan.  There are lots and lots of people and dogs out on Sunday mornings.  I also saw lots of bicycles.  Aunt JanJan told me that there were 716 bicycles deaths in the US in 2008.  She's really weird telling me that stuff.  She told me she had looked it up for a course she is teaching.  Whatever. 

I didn't go to church with Aunt JanJan but she told me I was a reflection of God.  She had to explain that if you spell God backwards you get Dog.  That's me.  Once again...she tells me weird stuff sometimes.  Whatever.

We had some storms today so I got a little scared.  Aunt JanJan tried to tell me that Starnuto wasn't scared but I didn't care.  Probably his magical flying powers keep him from getting scared too.  I mostly hung out today.  

I finally got Aunt JanJan to let me up on the desk where Starnuto likes to sleep.  I wanted to look out the window and see our truck.  You can see it outside the window. 

Night night to all!  

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