Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday...Game day!

Today we got to play games.  Starnuto didn't like the games but my favorite was hide and seek.  See if you can find me in the picture.  I found a really good place to hide.   Last night,  I was very sad.  I just moped around.  It's probably because I miss my family.  I was still mopey this morning until after my morning nap.  I'm all better now.  Tomorrow is my last full day at summer camp.  I hope I get to go on a field trip tomorrow.  That's my favorite activity! 

When we went to the big park at the end of the street, I met four more dogs that live on Parkwood Lane.  They are Great Pyrenees.  Three were all white and one was black and white...just like me...only much much bigger.   What is it with all the people on this street having black and/or white animals?  Starnuto, Libby, the great pyrenees....the only one that isn't was Remi.   There are two big black dogs next to Remi too.  

Starnuto had to take his medicine this morning.  I watched.  He should just learn to eat a treat with would be much simpler.  Aunt JanJan explained that he can't smell so he doesn't eat treats and he's not sure of anything but cat food.  Once again...why does she explain this stuff to me?  Oh well...she's my Aunt JanJan!!!

I'm going to play for awhile longer and then I'm going to sleep for the night.  Love ya!

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