Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thursday at Summer Camp

I was really really really sleepy last night.  When we finally went to bed at 11pm, I crawled under the covers to sleep.  I told Starnuto that he would have to handle everything because I was too tired.  He seemed to think I made a good pillow since I was under the covers because several times he put his head on me.  I didn't care. I was too tired.  When Aunt JanJan woke up at 5:30am, she thought I wasn't alive because I was still asleep at her feet under the covers.   I slept really really good.  I guess all the excitement over the last few days has kept me from sleeping.  "I'm too excited to sleep".   I haven't been napping during the day because I don't want to miss anything.  Today was a busy day for Aunt JanJan.  We went on a walk when she got home from working out since she was already sweaty.  I met Remi who lives next door.  Remi is a bigger dog so I barked at her to let her know not to step on me!  I mainly hung out today but I also chewed on that bone from Sofia.   I'm getting annoyed with that other camper that meows.  He won't teach me how to fly.  I want to know how he does it.  He gets on the desk when Aunt JanJan works on the computer and I can't make it up there.  He should tell me how to do it so we can both be up there.  Aunt JanJan thinks I'm whining but I'm really begging Starnuto to share his secret flying powers.  Hmmmmppphhh...he's not sharing!!!   I did have one very exciting thing happen today.  Aunt JanJan was making her lunch and a piece of meat fell on the floor.  It was just my size so I grabbed it and ate it.  It was yummy.  I was certainly in the right place at the right time to get that little treat.  Here's my picture for today.  When Aunt JanJan got home from work we sat outside and I picked the lounge chair as my place to hang out and keep an eye on everything.   Aunt JanJan is going to something called Bad Habits practice tonight.  I asked her to take me with her but she said I didn't need any bad habits.  Until tomorrow...Annie

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